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Busty and with skills to match

‘What’s your language of preference,’ I asked the fine London gent who took up the entirety of my bed.
His eyes glistened, even in the night, reflecting the passion he felt for me his escort of the evening. His body looked perfect where it was and I wanted nothing more than to show him that each moment with me was one he would never forget. He considered himself a cultured man, a man who knew a lot about the world. And so, I decided that it would be a good idea to do some roleplaying. That night, he had a thing for the French ladies and thus, it was time to revert to the beautiful language. He said my knack for languages and my busty figure was the reasons why he chose me tonight. I wanted to wow him and opted to put that quality on display.

I whispered, naughty erotic details in his ear. There was no questioning whether or not he was getting turned on. That’s the good thing about men, they’ve got an indicator that tells you when you’re doing things right. Seeing how much he liked me speaking to him in French, I continued. This time, positioning my body on his, allowing him to get a view of me from the bottom. The way he stared into my eyes was unimaginable. They were truly like windows to the world. A beautiful shade of green, with little specks shimmering at the sides. His sharp jaw, was just the right type of manly and all in all, he was a sight to behold. I kissed him softly-at first- asking him what part of his body wanted me the most. His reply was, ‘all of it’. My heart fluttered at his every word.  Little butterflies circled around my stomach as his rough hands smoothed their way down my back and my ample breasts. I was right where I wanted to be. I wanted to stand up and give thanks to whoever was responsible for giving me such a beautiful man; for allowing someone so appetizing to walk through my doors. But instead, I reverted to thanking him. With my many skills and talents, I ensured that he got the kind of thanks that he’d remember for weeks, if not months, to come. Proof that I’d succeeded in rocking his world came in the fact that a week doesn’t go by without this fine gentleman requesting my services. My heart does a little dance every time I get his call.

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