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London can be a small place for escorts

I returned Sasha’s call and explained my mum was staying at my London flat, and I’d only be doing lingerie modelling from now on the, other escorts will have to cover some of my clients. I therefore could not do the “double date” she needed. She wanted to know if I had seen Vlad, but I was under strict instructions not to speak about him, so I said that I hadn’t.

I asked her how things were going and she replied. “Well, I have a surprise for you. We have set-up a male escort side to the business. I’ve recruited a lovely guy called Josh to manage bookings during the daytime, and another lady, Donna, to book during the evenings. They handle all of this side of the business. Again, it is high-end escorting, and we have four guys vetted and work booked in already.”

I could not even think. My voice trembled as I asked, “The guy, Josh, does he work for a theatre company?”

Sasha smiled, “Yes, do you know him?”

“Oh, damn,” was my reply. “Please ensure that he knows nothing about me. We have mutual friends, so I hope my data has been deleted.”

Sasha was now quite guarded, “He can’t access that part of the system, and you aren’t on there now. Is he your boyfriend?”

I told her the story and she laughed. “I don’t think he was upset about your modelling if that’s what you now do. Good on you! He wants to be available on Monday nights only. He’s not one of the four, but he’s so good-looking, I thought it may help him to save up and buy himself a flat. He’s already got four bookings. Sorry if that upsets you, but that’s just the way it is.”

I came off the phone and felt hugely disappointed with Josh. I’d already walked out on him in a bar, and had not heard from him. That was probably why.

The knock on the door brought me back to the present. I got up from the hotel bed and knew that Mr. Farrell had arrived.

I would strip him, spank him until his bottom was red raw, and then let him take me from behind. When we went to the theatre later, he would not be able to sit down! That was the type of mood I was in and he really didn’t know what was in store for him!


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