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Behind the privacy screen

I have almost forgotten what it is like to have a candlelit meal. Vlad, one of my Russian clients, was in London for three days. I assumed he would be out with three women; one on each night, but I was pleased that I was being taken to one of the best restaurants in the west end.

Vlad knows I like my food. He cannot believe I like to eat and stay so slim, but I mention the swimming, jogging and rowing and he now understands there is a price to pay for keeping slim. It isn’t easy and I’ve been warned that my body will change when I hit my mid-thirties. Hopefully by then, I’ll have left the escorts business and I’ll not care a fig about what my body looks like as I’m hoping to have kids in my mid-thirties!

I explained that to him and he asked me what type of man I would look for. I blushed as this was the first time we had ever really talked about me, so I opened up. I wanted a funny, kind, handsome man, but with an edge to him.

Vlad looked at me as the muscle in his cheek tightened and relaxed. He was handsome, in spite of his scar. The sex was great, and he enjoyed my body and what I could do for him, but this was different ground completely.

We dined and the food was glorious. I noticed he could hardly take his eyes off me as his hand found my knee and started to caress it with a finger. I was just finishing an assortment of chocolate desserts, and I let a drop of mousse fall onto my finger. Then I held it up to his mouth and massaged his lips with it, very slowly and licked my lips at the same time. The fire within him was sparked immediately and Vlad whispered. “You do not know what you do to me.”

We left soon afterwards and Vlad bundled me into the waiting limousine. Vlad tapped the privacy screen and it glided so that the driver could not see us. The black-out windows also ensured that no-one could see me kneel on the floor, pull down his trousers and start to pleasure him. “Next, I will pound you as you have never been taken before by me,” he added, with a glint of lust and determination in his eye.


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