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A beautiful escort who is experienced in pleasure

My best friend in London outside of the escorts business, Adam, just happens to be the sweetest man on earth. I’d had a pretty rough time a few weeks ago and needed someone to be there, to offer emotional support and an open ear. Of course, it only took the tone of my voice for Adam to say that he was on his way to take care of me. He’d liked doing that, taking care of people and he was very good at it too. My friends always told me that Adam had a slight crush on me but we’d been friends for so long and he’d never made a move even though he’s had a few flings with escorts at my agency, so I always pushed the thought to the back of my mind.

He was tall man with curly locks that made everyone want to run their fingers through his hair. His eyes, they were as green as green could be and within them was a mystery that ought to be brought to light. Yes, I have to admit, I might have been the one with the bigger crush. There were so many nights when I would look at his profile picture and fantasize about the two of us together, away from the distraction of our chatty friends. This was one of the first times in weeks that I’d be able to spend some time alone with Adam, and even in the midst of my emotional chaos, I was truly looking forward to it.

I opened the door to this amazing man, whose arms were filled with roses, candy and teddy bear almost as cute as he is. I felt better instantaneously just knowing that he cared as much as he did and went out of his way to do so much for me. He walked into my London apartment and placed the flowers and chocolates on the table. I moved toward him and snatched the teddy from him before taking a whiff of the roses. I was so grateful to him and with us being alone together, could just think of a million and one ways in which I could repay him. Being an experienced escort, I’ve got more than a couple tricks up my sleeve when it comes to pleasure. After an hour of conversing and awkwardly trying to fight wrapping my arms around him, I allowed myself to get lost in Adam. My couch has never been blessed the way it was that day.  

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