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The innocent girl from London

Josie wasn’t into girls. She was just into me. The way that she would watch me, the way she licked her lips as I walked past her, I just new that the time was drawing nearer for me to say something. I’d only met her a few months ago at a bar in London, but she was the kind of girl that I wanted to explore and to have explore me. I’m a bisexual escort but I’m not a lesbian, but the way she looked at me, the naughty innocence that she portrayed, I wanted to see what that was all about.

One night, while all our friends were enjoying a night out in the West End of London, I invited her over to watch a movie. Little did she know that the kind of movie she would be watching wasn’t one that they showed on TV. ‘Do you find me interesting Josie?’ I asked her. ‘You’re a nice girl,’ she replied. Nice! I don’t think I’ve ever heard the word nice used to describe me, but I loved it. I loved it because she was saying it.

I told her that I had to take a shower. She looked down at her toes like there was something she wanted to say, but she just couldn’t bring herself to say it. ‘You’re free to join me,’ I added. She giggled, the way she always did when I caught her staring at me. Anyway, I headed to the shower. When I got back she was still sitting there, on my bed innocently. I engaged her in conversation, as I dropped my robe to the floor, positioned myself on the bed in front of her and started to apply lotion to my body. ‘Here’s that movie I promised you, we’ll call this one the escort and the innocent girl from London,’ She laughed but her eyes never left the areas of my body that I sensually applied the lotion to. Over the crease of my vagina and deep inside, I fingered, slowly, with my legs wide enough for her to get a good look. Suddenly, I heard her say ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this’ and out of nowhere, she tugged at my leg, sliding me down, and gracing my vagina with the wetness of her tongue. She licked and sucked, pushed it as deep as it could go then added a finger for extra pleasure. I knew it all along, I knew that if everyone disappeared, Josie and I would be able to disappear in each other too.

About the author:
A resident of Chelsea, Serena works part-time as one of our London escorts.

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