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London escorts agency opportunites for young single mums

It is a common occurrence for young women to have children in their 20s and then return to work in their early 30s when their children have become a little older. It is also not uncommon for women with children to not be with the father and so have an additional level of independence which allows them to pursue the career of their choice. As well as conventional employment, it has been recently documented that many single mothers are registering with one or more London escorts agency in order to benefit from this lucrative profession.

It is now a relatively common scenario that many London busty escorts are single mothers beginning a new career. Many of the advantages of this profession are quite obvious; being able to choose your own hours, whether you want to only accept incall appointments or outcall also, and of course a very good rate of pay.

A good number of blonde escorts in London are single mothers who have found that by working quite a low number of hours, they can still make a substantial income which obviously helps them to bring up their children with everything they need. In a time of poor economy, this trend is sure to last.

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