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Escorts Chemistry

I can’t get tired of living in London. There is so much to do and see. There is for excitement for escort girls wherever you go, and if you want quiet time for reflection and inspiration, there are bucket-loads of places to go. I had a few hours before I was due to meet Josh, so after a quick trip to the beautician, I decided to grab the tube and head on the Piccadilly line up towards Hyde Park Corner.

The sun was out and I checked my legs so see if the fake tan had taken, wore long shorts, t-shirt, sun hat and took myself off. I was actually going to visit a gallery – the Serpentine Gallery as there was an interesting contemporary art exhibition and I’d booked the tour at three. I’d meet Josh afterwards, and we could picnic and relax in Hyde Park away from the demands of escort life.

I love the buzz of this area. Tourists milled round and looked at the exhibits outside. The humidity had already hit me on the brief four stop tube journey, so I was glad of the slightest of breezes in the shade. I sat and waited for the tour to start and listened to the guide as he told stories about the life and times of the artist; an elderly gentleman from New York.

On exiting, I realised I felt quite emotional after listening to the stories, trials and tribulations of this talented man’s life, and it had poured out onto the canvas in such a unique way. The artist was nearing the end of this life, but I had still a long journey ahead of me. As I blinked in the bright sunlight, I head a familiar voice behind me and turned. I was a smiling Josh, and he was walking towards me, with a rolled-up picnic blanket under one arm. I could see sandwiches and drinks in the bag he was carrying with his other hand. The first look at him after even the briefest of separations makes my heart jump. It’s all down to escorts chemistry and London girls have it in abundance!

I do what I do now not just for my own benefit, but for my future too. Security and happiness are almost the same thing to me. I felt both happy and secure as Josh took me into his arms for a bear hug. This was our time.


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