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Sexual Appetite

It was a busy Saturday night and my client and I had tickets for a sold out London show I hadn’t seen before, but was looking forward to seeing.

The theatre visit ended up being interesting for a number of reasons. Callum was a conversationalist who had lots of interesting pre-theatre stories to share as we drank an aperitif. The show was good, and he had behaved impeccably. There was no hand up my skirt, thankfully something that escorts are accustomed to. In these types of theatre, the rows and seats were so tightly packed that

I smiled as he told me that he had chosen to be celibate for almost twelve years. I had put him at about forty-two, but he could have been younger. That meant he hadn’t made love during the whole of his thirties, and I found myself wondering why. He was receding and on the large side, with a great, fun personality. I sensed an undercurrent of sexual longing by the way he looked at me.

Perhaps I was time to address this? “Can I ask if you feel comfortable stopping your period of celibacy” I enquired. Callum smiled, almost shyly. “I think so. It is time to move forward. I’m forty next month and feel that time is moving too fast.” I wasn’t that far out with the age estimate.

We left the theatre quickly as crowds milled on the wide West London pavement at the front. The booking was until midnight and he hotel was only stroll away. “Let’s go to your room and then we can explore each other, if you’d like.”

I could feel his sexuality suddenly. “Yes, let’s go now.” A few minutes later, we were in his room. He sat on the bed. “I think I’ll let you take control. It had been a while.”

An hour later, I lay back gasping. Two orgasms on both sides was a most unexpected outcome. I looked at Callum. “When you pick your next girlfriend, firstly, go easy on her, and secondly, make sure she has a sexual appetite to match your own.” I wasn’t joking – he could easily last longer than I could.

Callum laughed and put a hand on my breast. “it has been so long, I never thought I’d last more than a few minutes.”


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