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Lunch And a Foursome

She was at a couples’ convention in London when she saw him. It was a miracle they hadn’t met sooner. They were in the same business after all; two London escorts and both doing well. They had several mutual contacts, attending the same social events on the arms of clients. She didn’t know why she hadn’t expected it.

She was here with a recently separated guy and she supposed he was here with someone too. Couples’ getaways didn’t really work without a partner after all. That was why Barry had hired her. Probably that’s why Jerry was hired by whoever he was here with. She wondered what the proper etiquette was when two escorts met in this situation. Did they give each other a subtle wink and continue to pretend that they were cozily coupled up with their clients? Or did they ignore each other like they’d never met?

She stood by the registration desk, deafly nodding to whatever the guy handing her a schedule and pass was saying. It was all the same anyway. She nodded and she thanked him politely before he had finished then stepped as casually as she could behind a display showing all the different activities their group would be doing.

The irony on trying hide behind it wasn’t lost on her.

She watched him. He was dressed in a light blue button down shirt; it matched his navy pants perfectly. She could only assume he had a tie wrapped around his neck. She wondered at her own outfit. An orange mini skirt and black top with no bra. Hell, Barry wanted his friends jealous instead of pitying. She was the ‘trophy rebound’. She was bloody well going to act like it.

Jerry’s specialty was multi’s and she wondered if it really was an accident that they were both here.

“Ah, there you are Lydia. I was looking for you”, her date Barry said, coming out of nowhere, “Couples yoga in ten. Are you gonna change?” he looked her up and down appreciatively.

“Yeah I think I need to put on a bra.” She replied with a smile.

“Mmm”, he replied eyes on her nipples, “Okay.”

Lydia hurried off to their room.

Jerry acted surprised to see her as Barry introduced her to him and his date Sandra. They smiled, did yoga and then Sandra invited them for lunch and a foursome. Lydia leaned back in her chair with a sigh. She was so not surprised.


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