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Power I Felt When Spanking Him

I rested my elbows on the table. I’d lost the last four poker hands; was now completely naked, and James was assessing his next step OMG how many escorts in London have found themselves in such a conundrum. Should he continue the game with a different spin, or stop and get down and dirty with me? He was undecided.

I looked at James through my heavily-made up eyes. “I feel like a pawn in your game of chess. What’s your next move?”

He was ready with a response. “I’m thinking I want you to spank me again. It’s been a while, but I like that thing you do.”

I lay back on the chaise longue, lifting and bending one knee, so my legs were parted, enough to give him a titillating view. It worked. He sauntered over, wearing his leather thong and knelt down, inches away from my sex. “I’m saving that for later.” He blew on my intimacy, warming me up. I wanted him to lick me, but he only did that just before entering me.

I rose and let him kneel over the end of the chaise longue. The thong was tight into his buttocks, but I left it as it was. All part of the fun! Then I took my paddle out of my bag, gave him no warning and delivered five short, sharp smacks onto his bottom. He flinched, but didn’t cry out. I stroked his reddened skin with the end of the paddle, before kissing his cheeks softly. Another five smacks rung out and this time, he stifled a cry.

I took out my ‘slap and tickle’ teaser. I used the escorts favourite tool the feather teaser to stroke his buttocks and down his thigh. Easing the thong to one side, I used it to stroke the now bare skin, before taking off the thong altogether. Spreading his legs, I could see his equipment hanging down, so used the teaser to tickle him slowly, before swapping over and using the frayed whip to teach him a lesson. I spoke to him, telling him he was a naughty boy, who needed to be shown a lesson.

By now, I could see his man power standing tall and pressing against the chaise longue. “Get up, lick me and then take your pleasure.” James pushed me gently back onto the chair and used his tongue to flick my love bud. It was already sensitised as a result of the power I’d felt in spanking him. Soon, James would stop and then start to unleash his energy in a rather different way.


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