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Luke enjoyed watching his wife and Jannet entwined

I love having couples! I think it may be about how much I am able to have, and enjoy, the best of both worlds at the same time. The softness of a woman’s body in contrast with the hardness of a man is something that makes me look forward to and enjoy the entire experience. It’s like I get transported away from London to another place on the express train to an escorts pleasure island and I want to take the couple with me.

Normally when I get these couples, they are true seasoned veterans and ready to jump right in there. It is very rare that an agency escort will meet a London couple who will need some help and a little time to get into the groove. When there is a rookie couple that comes along, the one that is shyer of the two is normally the female, which is more than expected. However when you encounter a couple that has the woman more ready to explore than the man, then that is really surprising. This has only happened to me once before and me, Luke and Serena have stayed best friends ever since; I smile at the memory of the experience.

Upon my arrival I think that I could have guessed whose idea this was to get an escort in the first place. Serena was ready to get right into it, asking me if there was anything that I was not up for, of course I was up for most things, and I do mean most things. I told her just that and she immediately led me into the bedroom which was already equipped with the whipped cream and restraints. As all this was taking place, I realized that Luke was very quiet and seemed to be holding back a bit. All this was about to change. However, I took the lead and instructed Serena to tie him up while I started to stroke him gently. This definitely got him turned on, I watched as Serena started to caress his torso I could tell that he was enjoying the dual attention of two beautiful women, I’m not sure who was more turned on, he or I. We took Luke right to the heights of ecstasy and then back again. Soon, Serena and I were entwined as one, and I could see that Luke was enjoying watching us in action.

About the author:
Born in Columbia and currently living in London, exquisitely flawless busty escorts like Jannet are very hard to find. She is also a regular blogger on many social networks.

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