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Lust in the casino

My Russian clients are generous and sophisticated. I see one of the three oligarchs each month, either for dinner and intimacy, theatre and intimacy, or to a private swingers party, and I sure you can guess what happens there.

Tonight it was a change in some respects; I was going to a casino, probably followed by some all night adult fun. I met up with Tomasz at a restaurant after his chauffeur picked me up. There were four other escorts present at the casino, and two more men I hadn’t met before. They all spoke in Russian. I wore a Thierry Mugler dress and was relieved when Vlad walked in and his face lit up. We’d met on several occasions and he immediately gave me his arm as I accompanied him into a private area away from the main casino. It looked like a scene out of a James Bond film; full of beautiful, wealthy people.

I play poker, not brilliantly, but fairly well, so when I asked Vlad if I could watch as I like the game, he agreed. I knew I couldn’t join in with the stakes as high as they were. We drank champagne and I started to think about Vlad and the last time we’d had partied together. He was hot and given that he carried more than a passing resemblance to Daniel Craig, I hoped I would be with him for the evening. However Tomasz came over and asked if I would join him for something to eat. Vlad looked at Tomasz and I realised there was tension between them. Vlad nodded and kissed the back of my hand, then I joined Tomasz.

I adore fillet steak so was happy to tuck in with a side of assorted vegetables and a port sauce. As soon as I had finished the cheesecake dessert, I felt an arm on mine. It was Vlad and he motioned for me to come with him. I stood up and could feel Tomasz’ eyes following me.

We walked to the roulette table and Vlad asked me if I wanted red or black. I knew this was some sort of test, so I picked black. As the wheel began to turn, he whispered in my ear, “Red, you will go with Tomasz and black you leave with me.”

I could feel his eyes burning into mine and my cheeks heated thinking about his hands slipping under my dress to fondle me. I looked up as the ball dropped into a numbered slot. I noticed it had landed on black, number ten. Vlad looked up, smiled at me and asked the attendant waiting nearby to get my coat. I knew what was in store and smiled.


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