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Reinstated by popular demand

I spent all day on Sunday resting in bed. I’d made a pastrami, gherkin and lettuce sub and that was all I ate as I caught up on sleep and a few films. When I awoke at six, I took a long shower and realised the intercom was buzzing. I wasn’t expecting anyone, but I grabbed my robe and answered it anyway. A deep, male foreign voice came through, loud and clear. I recognised it as a previous client, Vlad. I no longer serviced him as he was to be booked through my Madam, only that I no longer had a Madam. Therefore he could not be my client.

I asked him why he had called around and he wanted to talk to me over a business arrangement.

When Vlad appeared in the stairwell, he was dressed casually in jeans and shirt. He still looked like a heavily-scarred Daniel Craig and his piercing blue eyes were quite distracting. When I asked him to sit down, he did so patiently and I went to make coffee.

When I returned, I watched him undressing me with his eyes. “Why can’t I go with you?” Vlad asked, with an almost petulant tone to his voice. I smiled and sat down in the opposite chair.

“Sasha will not allow it.” He shook his head. “I don’t like the other escorts at her London office. She isn’t classy.” I raised my eyebrows at that point. I knew he was up to something.

“Will you still see me once a month on the usual terms? There will be no parties, no orgies, just you and me.” I thought about it and walked towards him. As I approached, I undid my bathrobe and let him look at my breasts and between my legs. “If you want me Vlad, you’ll have to show me how much you have missed me.”

I thought he was about to lunge at me, but he smiled. “You are naughty, but you are good too. Ring her please.”

I picked up the phone and rang Sasha. She didn’t seem too surprised to hear from me. “Would you reinstate me for an old client Vlad, but only him, please Sasha? I’ll ensure he books through you, but he has come round for an hour now.” I noticed the muscle in Vlad’s cheek start to twitch and I let the bathrobe fall to the floor. I crouched to pick it up and leant forward to place it on the chair, ensuring that Vlad had a full view of not only my bottom, but the secret place in between.

Sasha rung off with a laugh, just at the moment, Vlad rose from his chair. I stood still and felt his breath, warm on my back. He kissed my all the way down my spine causing shivers. Then he quickly picked me up and strode into the bedroom.



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