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Maisie’s Solution

I am not ageist, but the call from Maisie made me wonder if this old gal was looking for a different type of service. After listening to her vague request, I was hoping she didn’t want me to do her ironing. In fact the notion of “servicing her partner” could mean almost anything. I actually felt extremely nervous as I headed out across London to her flat, only two stops away from my tube stop.


I muttered to myself as I checked out the address again and saw the appreciate smile from an attractive young man as he walked past. When I rang the intercom, a younger male voice answered and that certainly piqued my interest. With fresh vigour, I knocked on the door and a man in his forties answered. He smiled, introduced himself and shook my hand in a very business-like fashion. Adam led me into a room where an older woman, Maisie, lay on a chaise longue, smoking a cheroot in a holder. I placed her at about eighty.


“I simply do not have the energy any more my dear, so service him as you see fit. I don’t want to watch and you’ve got two hours.” I think the last part of the explanation was more directed to the man, rather than to me. I was right as I’d quickly assumed he wasn’t getting laid and she didn’t want to have a sexual relationship at her age so hiring escorts was the best solution.


It wasn’t long before Adam started to moan out loud and Maisie shouted at him to be quiet, at which we both smiled. He was keen to the point that I had to slow him down twice. Eventually his climax rendered him both speechless and breathless and it took him some time to calm down. I asked if I could shower as I watched him lie back against the pillows. He had certainly been in need.


I was relieved to come back to find out that I had been booked twice per month. I was sure Maisie had been listening, but as long as both parties were happy, that was enough for me. As I looked at Adam again, I could see his excitement for the second time and I warned him he only had twenty minutes left. He nodded and I hopped back into bed.


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