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He was a real catch

For some reason, I don’t like the name Darren, or even it’s more awful, shortened version, Daz. It’s not exactly up there with the name Frederick, Harry, Henry or Richard; old traditional names favoured by the royals and upper classes. I’m not a snob in any way, how could I be, with what I do in my secret life in London working as an escort? However, I favour a certain image and turn down anyone who doesn’t fit certain criteria.

So when Sasha mentioned Darren was a find, and would not elaborate, I wondered what she had meant.

I waited at the bar for ten minutes and all I managed was eye contact with a lovely guy, with auburn hair and green eyes, who was more interested in his mobile phone and had a drink waiting so I knew it wasn’t him. I waited for another five minutes, as part of my terms, and picked up my bag, paid for my drink and left.

Outside, I swapped my heels for a pair of pumps and hurried to the tube station as I only had a two-stop ride back to mine and the wind was starting to become very blustery.

I got as far as the pedestrian crossing when I heard a voice. I turned and it was the guy with the auburn hair. I sometimes call myself Elena, or Katie, so when he asked if I was Elena, I nodded.

I found out it was Darren and he’d rung the mobile, but stupidly, I had turned it off.

“You don’t look like a Darren,” I exclaimed.

“You don’t look like an Elena,” Darren retorted, with a smile. I smiled back – touché.

I knew what Sasha meant and put my hand out to shake his, but instead, he bent forward and kissed my cheek and I could feel my cheeks heat up.

We walked to a nearby Lebanese restaurant where “Darren” had booked a table. I had been here before. As we settled down, he played footsie with me under the table and flirted away. I did not ask about his circumstances, but it sounded as though he was single, having come back to London from working in Europe. He started to ask about my escort services in more depth and was relieved to hear that there is very little I would not do, but condoms were a must. He led me away from the restaurant with a hand firmly on my back and I shivered. Sasha was right; he was a catch.



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