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A big man in London

I haven’t felt this happy in ages. I’m glad I did what I did and helped Josh, escorts London hostesses especially are a very kind bunch. In a way, I knew all along that there were such things as serendipity, coincidences and moments of opportunity you can’t let pass you by. That had happened between Josh and I.

On the other hand, Vlad had taken my feedback badly, but he looked at me and conceded that he knew there was someone else for me. Defeat was etched all over his face and I hugged him tightly. We still went out for his birthday. I only gave him the champagne hamper. The other hamper was too intimate to share with him. I think we’ll keep in touch, but I can’t ever see him as his escort anymore and I definitely cannot sleep with him again, and he knows that.

I rang my mum and told her my news. I think she was disappointed that the relationship with such a big man in London like Vlad hadn’t blossomed into a full-blown romance, but I explained that Josh was the right man for me and I loved him. At that, she was surprised. “Emma, I’ve never heard you say that so decidedly before. Is he dishy?”

I laughed as I described him. “So less like a young Daniel Craig, and more like Orlando Bloom, but with blue eyes? Is that about right?”

Josh looked nothing like Orlando Bloom but the dark hair was about right. I rung off and thought about my time with Josh. It was special. We both knew it. I suggested that he kept what had happened between us as a secret, and certainly not to tell Sasha. As for the debt settlement, the demands had slacked off, and now he could pay the rest back over the next year quite happily. I could almost feel the pressure lifting from his shoulders, even though he has promised to pay me back every penny back, plus interest.

I knew he would continue the escorts assignments seeing London clients, for the time being, but he’d drawn a line about what he would and wouldn’t do. There were other agencies for the sorts of things he’d been asked to do. I told him very little about my continued call girl work. It was only part-time, and he needn’t know any more than the fact I’d given up Sasha’s work.


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