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Mr Hitoshi likes blondes

Hitoshi was a pleasantly-smiling slim Japanese man with a penchant for black leather lingerie and busty girls who are experienced escorts. I had never met him before, but had already learnt a little about Japanese etiquette from Sasha. My only experience was a Japanese man, ended prematurely when he’d gotten too drunk in an attempt to bolster his courage.

What he did not know was that I was blonde. I have naturally-shaped almond eyes, so I had applied eyeliner to accentuate the shape and I wore an almost black wig; made out of natural hair. I wanted to look reasonably attractive to him, with a look he knew!

I guessed from Hitoshi’s glance he was quite taken with me. I met him in the hotel bar and we both drank sparkling water; his preferred drink, before going up to his room. He gave my bottom a little spank on the way.

I heard him in the shower after I’d explained I had just showered and was wearing scent in all sorts of private places. He smiled at that morsel of information and I could hear him singing away and sounding very happy.

When he came out, I looked at his body. He wasn’t in bad shape at all, but at some point he’d had an operation as he had scar tissue across his chest area. It is impolite to stare, so I averted my eyes and lay back in my leather underwear. Actually, his manhood wasn’t massive, but at least it would not stretch me too much and there is no telling how skilled a lover a man is, until he starts the process of love-making.

I noticed he was hunting around for something. He grunted in annoyance and headed over to his suitcase. His little bottom cheeks were pert and rounded; perfect for a good spanking later on.

When he found what he was looking for, he hurried to the bed and presented me with a photo of myself with blonde hair. “I like blonde girls!”

I got it. He thought my black wig was natural so I pulled it off, ruffled my hair and asked if that was what he wanted. “Yes, natural blonde, yes.”

Then he kneeled on the bed, pulled the front of my knickers down slightly and peeked there. He sat back and rubbed his hands with glee. I think I have just proved I am a natural blonde!


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