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Relax London Escorts know What to Do

Bertram Edmund Cockinbottom nervously straightened the collar of his crisp white shirt, and ran his comb though his chestnut tresses one last time. A true lover of busty escorts why he was acting so foolish was beyond him.

He had attended the town’s society gatherings before and had never felt this nervous. Of course this was the first time he was going with a date; albeit a gorgeous London wench with ample cleavage he paid for so that might explain it. If he did not get a hold of his nerves soon however, he was going to make a laughingstock of himself and Farida Tomlinson would not ever forgive him.

“Relax, Bert…this is only for one night.” He muttered aloud as he finished his grooming and then left the security of his Rolls Royce.

He headed down the street toward the Mayfair Hotel, where he had planned to meet Farida. She had gone above and beyond, recommending a good party planner and introducing him to a great entertainer.

Farida was waiting in the lobby for him when he arrived. She was wearing a yellow gown that was embroidered festively with lace flowers and crotched leaves along the low neckline, and the hem of her skirt. A golden belt encircled her slender waist, and her luscious black hair was twisted up into a beehive and decorated with a gold pin. A lace shawl was draped around her shoulders. Surly she is one the most sexy busty escorts on the circuit.

“Joyeux Noël Bert.” Farida said as she came to a stop before her.

“Joyeux Noël,” Bert replied, an appreciative smile lighting his face as he took in her appearance. “You sure look pretty tonight and OMG your oh so delightfully busty.”

Farida blushed at the compliment. “Merci Monsieur.”

“I suppose we should make our appearance at the party.”

Bert offered his arm to her.

“Oui, we should.”

Together they moved across the lobby to the ballroom at the end. When they reached the batwing doors Bert paused outside them.

“I should warn you that I’m not too good at dancing.” He confessed to Farida.

“You need not do anything that you are not comfortable with Bert.” Farida the ever so dutiful escort assured him. “It is enough that you asked me to attend the party with you.”

Bert gave her a relieved smile. “Thanks, Farida…and I’m the one who is honored that you agreed to attend it with me.”

“We are both honored. “ Farida replied.

Bert smiled at her and then stepped through the batwing doors, holding them open for Farida to walk through, as the rest of the party attendees greeted both.

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