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Awkward Wedding Weekend

“Hey Sylvia, are you ready for the big weekend?” Alice asked.

Sylvia sighed, “I loathe weddings, but Alex is really sweet he’s every escorts London dream guy, so hopefully it won’t be so bad.”

“At least it’s an exotic location. You know I’ve never been to Barbados?”

“Yes that’s exciting. But dealing with Alex’s family? Not so much.”

“How long are you supposed to have been together?” Alice asked.

“Three months. It’s new, the honeymoon phase. That way we have an excuse not to mingle so much.”

“That should minimize the questions at least.”

“Yes, hopefully. That’s if they respect our privacy or whatever.”

“Oh well, enjoy the sun n’ sand.”

“Yeah, gotta go pack. Alex is picking me up in an hour.”

“Bring me back a coconut.”


Sylvia finally gave up on surfing when her legs were so weak they couldn’t hold her up any more. She wobbled up the beach to the small cottage perched on a low rise, washed the worst of the sand and salt off her with the outdoor shower, then stripped off her bikini and left them on the railing before entering.

The sun was just starting to rise when she’d gone out, and so she wasn’t surprised to find Alex still asleep. She wasn’t even surprised to see him naked and sprawled on the bed, all his covers kicked off; Alex’d been bitching intermittently about the heat ever since they’d arrived in Barbados two days ago. She stopped for a minute, looking at him with new eyes; not an escorts client but just a man from London she was sleeping with.

Honestly he looked like an effing porn star – and although Sylvia certainly had no complaints about their sex life – those weren’t the words that immediately sprang to mind when it came to Alex. He was a big solid guy with a gorgeous, wide mouth built for kissing. He gave off heat like a blast furnace. He did this swirly-lick thing with his tongue which was probably deserving of a Nobel Prize; if they gave out Nobel Prizes for cunnilingus. But he was about the farthest thing from an exhibitionist you could get.

Sylvia wasn’t complaining though; she got to enjoy his body from time to time when he called for her services. On top of that, she got to take a trip to sunny Barbados when London was cold and miserable. Life was good.


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