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Sexy costumes and boy toys

My friend, Harry, threw a costume party last week. This was meant to be our pre Valentines party- a London bash that would be talked about by every escort for the entire year to come. At first, I couldn’t decide what to wear. I take pride in my costumes and always want to make sure that I choose the perfect attire. When there’s a contest involved, I get especially excited to find the right thing to wear. This year, after a bit of consulting with some of my girlfriends who are all call girls, I came up with the perfect thing. We would all go as a group and thus, a group costume was what we decided on. Instead of our usual nice girl look, we’d take things to a naughtier level. Sure, it might have taken us a while to get to the idea, but it was one that I knew no one else would top.

We turned up to Harry’s house, just outside of London and exited our vehicle. All eyes were on us as one by one, we entered the party. Dominatrix 1 2 and 3 were in the building. We walked through like we owned the place; using our whips to spank the naughty party goers we met along the way. Harry was especially impressed with our choice of costumes and already told us that he was pretty sure we’d win the contest. By the end of the night, we had everyone coming to us and congratulating us on how good we looked. But the best surprise of the night came in the form of a submissive little fellow who couldn’t resist being mine for the night. We snuck our way into Harry’s guest room, where I punished my boy toy. Luckily, his moans and groans were tuned out by the blasting of the music. If not, I’m sure we would have had quite the audience watching us. That might have been my first experience spanking someone around. But all that power felt so great that I highly doubt it will be my last. I can’t wait for Harry to have another costume party. Hopefully he’ll do one before the end of the year because I definitely have a few great ideas for costumes in mind that I would love to show off. And of course, he always has the most enchanting men parading around his place. It’s really just a girl’s paradise there.

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