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Busty cuties dilemma

I knew this would eventually happen. During a commute on the London underground I had promised a good escort colleague of mine, Anna, I would go on a date with her brother, Ross who was pretty gorgeous, but only if I wasn’t in a relationship by now. I thought I’d got off the hook, but no, I was set-up in the least unsuspecting way possible. I would certainly have to have a very detailed conversation with Anna when she returns. We’d arranged to meet her for a harmless meal of pasta and a glass of wine or two.

So I had turned up at the pleasant and relaxed restaurant wearing a stylish outfit that complemented my full-bosomed figure and sat waiting for Anna, when a guy I thought I recognised asked me if I was waiting for her.

Immediately, I felt panicked thinking I had cocked up and this was a client I had met some time ago, but my memory isn’t usually that bad. I’m just used to seeing them in various stages of undress, that’s all.

The man introduced himself as Ross, Anna’s brother. Anna had to go on an emergency call to her mother in law’s house and, it was probably something serious at such short notice. The penny dropped but I was too polite to ask if this was indeed THE blind date she had promised to set-up some time ago. He did give me the option of just having a drink, but I’d booked the table so didn’t want to let the hovering Maître D. down.

I convinced myself I would enjoy this and Ross seemed very gentlemanly, in a James Norton, kind-of way even though I caught him stealing a few sneaky glances at my busty cleavage. We were shown to a table near the back. Usually I am fine when it comes to clients, but this guy was hot and attractive. I could not believe I had been set-up like this.

So we relaxed into conversation and when Ross asked about my soft furnishings business, I was relieved to be able to talk about some of my recent projects. I chose pizza and salad and did the same with a sharing platter as a starter. Well, why not?

Actually Ross was charming company and as I looked into his eyes I realised I did actually fancy him. Now I had a dilemma on my hands and this wasn’t of my making! Just wait until I catch up with Anna!


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