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Two busty bi girls how, can you go wrong

My roommate and I are both busy escorts but, a few weeks ago we started to explore and I have to admit, we’ve had quite a blast getting to know each other better. Of course, we were both initially hesitant to take our relationship to the next level especially because we both knew how awkward it would be if things didn’t go right- seeing as we’d have to face each other each and every morning. Luckily enough, I was able to pull out my escort charm and ensure that our time together went as smoothly as it possibly could. I don’t think I have ever had as much fun with her as I did that night when we toyed with each other, teased each other and treated each other to one hell of a night.

There’s something to be noted about the difference between a man’s kiss and a woman’s kiss. Don’t get me wrong, they’re equally great, but on those days when you’re feeling really girly and sensitive, having a busty woman’s soft and delicate lips take advantage of your own, is above and beyond remarkable. And when it comes to my roommate, she’s got the softest and most perfect lips imaginable. I love it when she plays the aggressor, constantly leaning in for more and being as aggressive as she can, but not quite being able to reach a significant level of aggression to make an impact. It’s the little things like these that remind me just how much she means to me and why it was such a great idea to get involved. Oh, but the fun with my roomie doesn’t stop there. Oh no it doesn’t. She’s also got an extremely adventurous side to her and is never hesitant when it comes to enjoying the company of a man- talk about having your cake and eating it too. So when some of my London clients are in the mood for action a little spicier than usual, I ensure that my roomie gets to join in on the fun and show my clients just how awesome we are together.

I believe that life is way too short to not be taken advantage of. As a result, I have made a pact to enjoy each and every moment of it to the fullest and I have been doing quite a great job at keeping the fire in my life burning for a very long time.

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