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Her Flat Warming Present

I walked to my local coffee shop for a breather, it was my day off from the escorts agency. My fingers were actually hurting after running up four sets of pencil-pleat curtains, three table runners and six cushions in a thick chenille fabric in different patterns. Rose, my client, was coming over to pick them up. As usual, she wanted to check the finish, and to stop for a glass of wine. Rose had her own chauffeur, a young Slovakian man, who was polite and liked to sit quietly in the car. Her mobility badge was displayed in a prominent position on the dashboard as he parked on the yellow lines, for the duration she was inside my flat.

This was the third commission from her. I had hand-made her duvet cover and pillow-cases last year and then last month, made her two sets of Roman blinds for the entrance hallway of her London apartment.

I had new business cards printed with my new address. I could keep the telephone number so she didn’t have to update that.

She wandered inside and I invited her to sit down. “All of these boxes, my dear. Are you going abroad?”

I smiled and gave her my card being careful not to mistakenly give out my escorts agency card “Actually, I’m moving a half-mile further away from the centre, but the flat will be big enough for the two of us.” We chatted about the move as she sipped her wine.

She paid me in cash and I gave her the remittance advice as she headed downstairs, carrying a large bag with some of her new items. I followed with a box, containing the curtains, and placed them in the back of the car.

As I turned to leave, she wished me all the best. I heard her tell the driver to head off and then I went inside. A few moments later, I heard the doorbell ring. Had I forgotten to give her something? I looked around quickly, but she’d taken all of the furnishings with her. I headed downstairs and saw an envelope on the doormat. It was an elegant embossed envelope with no name on the front. I opened it and there was a hundred pounds in cash. With it was her business card with a handwritten message. Rose was wishing us all the best with the move ad that was her flat-warming present.

I was almost moved to tears at the gesture!


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