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He tasted the best cream know to man

As a young happy go lucky busty girl who has just joined one of the busiest escorts agencies in London, my life is one big party from dusk until dawn. But that isn’t to say that I don’t appreciate the finer things in life, and goes twice when it comes to handsome guys.

I often can’t believe that my job seems to allow me to meet some of the most interesting and lovely men out there, and each date is a real pleasure, and I really mean that!

Tonight I will be going on a second date with Phil and he really blew me away on our first liaison. We met just outside Canary Wharf and I was pleasantly surprised to see that he had a very large…speedboat!

As we cruised around the Thames waterways we sipped some delectable vintage champagne, life didn’t get much better than this! I asked Phil if there was anything else to look forward to and he gave me a smile that made me feel extremely horny, and then some!

As Phil expertly guided the million pound craft into the exclusive marina, he put his arm around me and we sauntered into the bespoke hotel together.

The next morning, Phil looked just like the cat who had tasted the best cream known to man, and I know this for a fact, because I have been told this before, many times!

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