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Escape from London even escorts need R&R

The farm where I grew up is a location that I could never forget. I left home a while ago, to take on the many adventures that London can throw at me. Though I have to admit that I don’t miss living at home, there are times when I dream about how free I felt, being in the open and taking in all the nature. My parents, who still live in Eastern Europe, are always asking me to pay them a visit. As their only child, they do indeed miss having me around. I miss them a lot too and so, last summer, I decided that a much deserved vacation needed to be put in order. It was time to take a break from life and just relax.

What I expected from my visit was a lot different from what I got. I thought that things would go as they always did when I was a child. I’d have breakfast with my parents and spend the entire day horseback riding or just looking at the open land in front of me. But was I in for a surprise when I got there. A piece of land that was once empty, had now been taken over by a man who’s way too gorgeous for words. The moment I laid eyes on him, I knew that I had to make him mine. Working up my escort charm, I walked over to him and introduced myself. He informed me that while I was away living in London he’d heard a lot about me from my parent and invited me back for a cup of tea. Well, the cup of tea I received wasn’t the one I expected but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t the one I wanted. His rock hard body was mine for the taking and I gave it more than it deserved. My tongue explored him in ways I don’t believe he’s ever been explored. In return, he tended to my body in all the right ways. We stayed up until late that night learning more and more about each other. Yes, there was some conversation in the mix, but we also found new ways to make our lips do the talking- ‘talking’ that didn’t require words. Needless to say, after that trip, I can definitely see myself returning home more often. But for now, I’ll just reflect on the mind blowing experiences my parent’s neighbor introduced my body to.

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