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A special massage for busty new girl Matilda

Every once in a while I like to treat myself to something nice. I’m one of those hard working escorts who meet clients 24/7 in London and thus, taking time to myself is not only a want, it’s a necessity. My typical down time involves heading to the spar, getting a nice massage and then sitting around in a sauna for an hour or so.

Not too long ago, I took a day to myself to recuperate and enjoy some alone time. Things started off well with a massage from a handsome masseuse. Young and vibrant, respectful and friendly, I knew he was into me by the way he couldn’t stop staring at my busty 34D’s but I was certain that he must be already snatched up by a beautiful London lady. There, however, was something a bit different in the way he caressed my body. His touches didn’t only relieve me of tension, they made my somewhat hot under the collar and want for more, this feeling was especially heightened when he made his way up my thighs that I could almost feel the heat from his hands. The massage went on like this for an hour and a half with each touch making me aroused. I wondered for the entire time if he himself was an escort because he really knew what he was doing but, when my massage came to an end I was slightly dissatisfied that he hadn’t taken full advantage of me right there and then on the massage table.

He showed me the way to the sauna, which I had all to myself. I’d rented out the small one because I wanted time to myself. Not long after, I saw the door swing open and before me, was my gorgeous masseuse wearing nothing but a small towel wrapped around his waist with his chiseled abs staring back at me.

I was fully naked and his eyes admired how busty I was “Do you mind if I join you,” he asked in a very subtle tone. Lost for words, I shook my head, signaling to him that I would more than love being in his company. He sat very close to me and placed a hand on my thigh, I was definitely the happiest off duty escort in London that day.

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