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I Like my escorts with just knickers removed

Jason was another first time client and a photographer escorts London new comers are his one addiction in life. So far he’d showed no signs of wanting to go to bed, or any signs of interest in me apart from guiding me into his lounge. The apartment was large and sparsely furnished, except the walls. His work was framed and positioned over every available inch of the walls. I wandered around the room, as if I was perusing the artwork on a gallery wall.

I noticed there was a model he often used. In most photos, she was posing in evening dresses, but I paused when I noticed the three nude shots. At some point, the two of them had been intimate. I could tell by the look in her eye. She’d wanted him.

I turned round to see Jason lounging back on the sofa, with a cigarette dangling out of his mouth; an arm casually thrown over the back and his long hair framing the thin features of his face

Jason was interesting and I was curious about him. As he dragged on his cigarette and puffed out a cloud of smoke, his features were hidden for a few minutes the scene reminded me of a 1960’s London gangster. I finished looking at the last few photos and turned to join him on the sofa.

With one hand, Jason had undone his zip and his manhood poked up in all of its glory. He swiftly applied a condom and looked at me without smiling as he stubbed out his cigarette.

“Do you want me to undress?” I asked a little cautiously and Jason replied, “I like my escorts with just knickers removed. Lift your skirt so I can see you first before you mount me.”

I pulled up my skirt so he could see my stockings, suspenders and my knickers. He watched as I touched himself gently. I slowly pulled down my knickers, ensuring he got a good view of my nakedness. Then I stood in front of him; again letting him look at me.

As he readied himself, I positioned myself and he spoke slowly again. “The last person I saw naked was the woman in the photos you’ve been looking at, but she’s no longer with me.”

I moved on him slowly, letting his movements guide me. I was still curious when we had finished. One day, he’ll tell me more, but only if he books me again!


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