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Escorts and abstract art

I passed my VIP ticket over to Jonathan, who asked me how I was as he kissed me warmly on both cheeks for an escort girl London was the must place to be. Jonathan was a forty-something Cambridge graduate who had moved to London in the early noughties, he was an old customer of mine, but I had not seen him in that capacity for almost two years.

I’d bought a painting from Jonathan last year in his January sale and had haggled over the price. When I’d confirmed I would attend with Rachel, Jonathan was delighted. I explained I now had a boyfriend, so when he told me he had just remarried, and our past encounters as escort and client should remain the past, I felt a sense of relief.

There was quite a crowd gathering, and we perused the exhibition, with a glass of champagne in hand. I wasn’t a fan of abstract art, but this was semi-abstract exhibition and I liked the moodiness of the landscapes, the storms and the seascapes.

I stopped at one smaller piece in particular, as a woman was looking around to ask Jonathan a question. I motioned to an assistant quickly. She came over and I told her I would buy this one, with a price tag of a mere two grand, with no haggling. By the time the woman had found Jonathan, there was a sold sticker on the description and she asked him who’d bought it in such a short space of time.

Jonathan isn’t obliged to tell anyone who’d bought the artwork. Rachel could not believe I had bought something so expensive, but the serenity of the piece was truly awesome. She wandered off to bring us back some canapes.

The blond man came over. “I liked that painting too. It hits the soul, doesn’t it? Are you an artist, or a collector?

I smiled and explained I had a portfolio career and most of my time was taken up with creating interior furnishings, which I sold to wealthy local residents. I gave him a card, and Ben, as that was his name, asked me if I lived locally. I nodded and chatted for a few minutes. I noticed Rachel the naughty escort that she was chatting to the dark-haired guy with a heavy south London accent and the penny dropped. I smiled to myself and kept Ben entertained until closing time.

I walked Rachel to the taxi rank. I was meeting Josh at the bar next door to the gallery, but as she got into the taxi, she turned round and whispered that she had a date with the dark-haired guy, David!


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