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I Was Not Expecting This

Milo was awaiting my reaction. I knew what to say. I had been in this position during my escorting career many times. “We only need to do what you want to do. Nothing ever gets back to Vlad or anyone else. He will not ask me either.”

I wanted to shut down the conversation about Vlad quickly. This would not do. He would not be back in my life any time soon.

I gave Milo a bottle of London brewed beer and asked him about the event. He eyed my bottom as I bent over to light the candles on the table at the side of him. I could have pretty much guaranteed there would be sex on the agenda. It wasn’t really his thing anyway, as everyone was much older than himself except his other brother at twenty-three However, the club had demanded that no-one under twenty-one be admitted. When I found out where the event was, I raised my eyebrows. Josh used to go there with his group of Russians. More as a host, than anything else. For a moment, a pang of regret about the relationship’ demise hit me, but I needed to shrug it off for now.

Before anything else happened, the doorbell rang. I had ordered a Thai takeaway; one of Milo’s favourite types of food. Even though he was slim, he had an appetite. His metabolism had to be good to burn off all of this.

We sat at the table and chatted as we ate. His accent was fairly pronounced, but he was receiving elocution lessons too. He wanted to work in graphic design, and had a year to go at university in St. Petersburg. This was only a fleeting visit as he was back at university in another fortnight.

Milo like all men who come to London and date escorts was looking at me intently, so I took the opportunity to ask him what the plans were for the evening. Milo drained his beer and explained he had brought his iPad and wanted to play games. There had been no opportunity as his parents had taken him to every gathering possible over the last two days.

I wasn’t expecting this. I had no idea what was going on. I smiled, and cleared everything away. Had my ex put him off in some way?

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