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As the dessert arrived, I wondered if Ronan would want to take this first session with a London escort girl any further. So far, he’d been hesitant when I’d attempted to explore his interests, and what he may be interested in sexually. Ronan lived in Belgravia. His parents had left him the house, and what was as much as I could glean about his personal life, so the conversation seemed to stay in the rather neutral vicinity of what we liked about London.

I didn’t appear to be his type at all. He was bookish, extremely intelligent and introverted. I explained how much I liked to eat out in Belgravia and Mayfair as there were some great restaurants around. Ronan preferred Hampstead and Bloomsbury and most of his friends lived there no doubt they would have sampled some of the local escorts in the area. As we walked back to his house, I looked at the elegance of the road in which he lived. The tree-lined, white stucco buildings were opulent and when Ronan mentioned he rented out two rooms as studios, with a shared bathroom and kitchenette, I realised that these tiny studios probably brought in a huge amount of income. Certainly it would be enough to sustain a decent living, especially in this part of town.

We headed to the first floor and didn’t bump into anyone. On the landing he opened a door and we went into a large lounge. Ronan asked if I would be happy for me to have sex with me on top. I was quite surprised, but nodded like a good escort girl and explained I would do any position he wanted, within reason.

After he’d showered, he walked back into the sparse bedroom, and hopped into bed. At around fifty years of age, he had a good shape and we soon settled into a kiss and cuddle. I put his hands onto my breasts until he felt comfortable enough to put my own hand onto his penis. I touched him and soon he was hard. “It has been five years since my wife died and six years since I’ve had any sex at all.”

With that amount of disclosure, I felt quite emotional as I helped Ronan to enter me. I took him inside me gently and carefully, noticing how he’d closed his eyes in pleasure. As I rode him, he touched my breasts and felt his need build. For some reason, this felt more satisfying than I’d thought, as an experience.



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