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An escort in London getting steamy

If his demeanor didn’t already give away the fact that he’s a true bachelor and an admirer of busty girls preferably escorts, then his apartment sure did. Tucked away on the ‘not so quiet’ side of London, is where my dearest Leo lived. Inside the apartment was everything that is common for a twenty-something year old to have, but that didn’t matter to Leo. At a little over 30, he was still living a life of fun, adventure and enjoying the company of a beautiful female companion every now and then. After work, he would either play a video game, put on a film or have some fun in between the sheets.

He said the thing he likes the most about me is that he can enjoy all the things he loves when I’m around. What many people wouldn’t guess about me, is that I’m pretty good at video games. This came as a surprise to Leo. After beating him in a game, on our first meeting, he wanted to see just how good I would be with him in me. I was pounded repeatedly, as I tried to press the buttons on the controller. Leo sure knew how to have a good time and to create a challenge. Not before long, all video games were off and the only thing that was heard was the banging of his hips against mine and the panting that was going on in his bachelor pad.

He had so much energy that we went on for hours. He flipped me around in every possible position. He took me on every surface in his apartment, pushing my body to its limits. I didn’t know that I could go this far, I didn’t know that I was capable of having so many orgasms in a row. Each minute that I spent with him was a minute that was filled with pleasure, a minute where my body never felt neglected. He had a stamina that was incomparable and one that he knows how to put to good use. He told me that he’s never met an escort in London with a pussy so juicy and as flavour some as mine and I can’t deny the fact that he made me blush. He was so raw, so blunt, and had this energy about him that would make any woman melt right out of her panties.

To be honest, I don’t know if Leo will ever settle down and I’m not sure he should. He’s not the kind of guy that can be tamed.

About the author:
Admired for her tall busty figure Irina’s work as an escort keeps her very busy but she always finds time to publish the odd blog or two about her sexual exploits.

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