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Busty dinner dates and more

We were sitting in one of the fanciest restaurants near London’s South Bank ‘an area frequented by many an escort who is at top of her game’ when, the idea hit me. This man needed to be much more to me than just a dinner date. Okay, so I’d told myself, time and time again, that I would never date one of my friends. But Stan was just so damn hot that my body begged me to take advantage of him. I’d resisted the urge each time we were together. In fact, I’d hardly ever allowed myself to be alone with him unless we were in public, in a surrounding where there were way too many watchful eyes to do the things that I really desired. But as I sat there, waiting for the waiter to deliver our meal, I just couldn’t help thinking of him caressing my full-bosomed body. Not wanting the other patrons to get wind of what I had in store, I reached for my cell phone and send a quick message.

‘The way you lick your lips makes me super horny.’

His phone toned and he looked a bit confused. Of course, he hadn’t picked up on the fact that I was the one who messaged him.

But once he opened the text, his face took on a whole new expression. Intrigued, that’s what he was. He wanted me just as much as I wanted him and like me, he was too afraid to admit it.

He didn’t say a word though, instead, he tapped away on his phone before placing it on the table.


It was my turn to see what he said. ‘Everything about you makes me horny. How about we skip lunch and head to my apartment and let me treat you in a way that will make you the envy of all the escorts in this city.’

I chuckled and then slid my foot up and traced his manhood with it. His tongue moved over his lips and his eyes focused intently on me busty figure.

‘It would be rude to have that waiter bring our food to an empty table.’

He read the message but instead of texting back, he spoke to me directly.

‘Seriously Anushka, if you don’t stop that right now, I’ll lift you onto this table and give it to you right here in front of everyone.’

My cheeks turned red.

‘I think that’s a challenge I’m willing to take,’ I responded.

And though he didn’t bang my into a groundbreaking orgasm in front of everyone, like he had threatened, he did indeed prove to me that letting him have his way with me was a very wise decision.

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