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Only an agency girl could be so sexy

We were strangers on a train that took too long to get back to London. There is nothing more irritating for an escort than sitting around waiting for mishaps in the train line to be sorted, causing the entire day to slip away before I even have the chance to accomplish a half of the things that I had planned. However, there was something different about this delay. Rather than sitting around with people who seem more interested in what’s going on outside or what’s on their laptop screen, I had a party who seemed very interested in me. I caught him a few times stealing glances at me and I knew it was only a matter of time before he made his way over to me. A slender man in his 30’s, dressed in a button up and a pair of jeans, he was just my type- the kind of guy who doesn’t try too hard to look good but still looks impeccable. And even better, he was wearing really nice shoes. They say that you can tell a lot about a guy by his shoes and this is something that I have proven time and time again. This strangers shoes told me that though he was naturally hot, he took care of himself. They told me that he also knew how to treat an energetic working girl in bed and boy, was I ready to put him to the test.

I looked over to see that, just as I had predicted, he was out of his seat and on his way over to me. A bit startled and now feeling rather shy, I looked away. ‘Hi,’ came the manliest voice I had heard in a while. In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to hear that voice scream ‘Larisa, Larisa,’ over and over again. He took the seat next to me and introduced himself as ‘Drew’. In my sexiest posh agency escort voice, I said, ‘I’m Larisa, it’s a pleasure to meet you.’ One thing led to another and we shared our fantasies with each other for the rest of the train ride. When it came to my stop in west London, I invited him back to my apartment for some fun. Of course, he readily accepted saying that all the plans he had for the day had already been ruined, but the best part of his day was the unplanned one- meeting me. I surely showed him just how great of a time a stranger on a train could be.

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