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A man his wife and escorts who are open minded

I met this guy who lived a few hours away from London, but was in the city to enjoy a good time, and with escorts like me on the prowl, he was in for a great time, as was I. His deliciously toned body was something that would make any girl’s panties drop. As I approached the dinner table, he got up and pulled out my chair, he was such a gentleman. During our conversation, all I could think about was our plans after dinner, I just wanted to jump on him! He rubbed my thighs with his muscular hands, my panties got soaked when he told me that he needed me to fulfil his fantasy, I quickly shouted check please!

I couldn’t wait until we got back to his hotel room, neither could he, he ripped my panties off then  suddenly  I felt the warm sensation of his tongue, I really couldn’t help myself and within seconds my pussy was so wet that his car seat was nice and moist.

Upon entering the room of his London hotel, I saw a woman naked waiting patiently in the living room; she said “Do you like to play dirty? Without even answering her question, I went over and grabbed her big stiff breast, she slowly pushed her fingers in me; she touched the exact spot, that spot that makes me go crazy. At first I thought she was an escort, but it was his wife! Was I amazed? Absolutely. It was an unexpected surprise but one that I wouldn’t mind having over and over again.

Mr. Sexy joined in, as his wife watched him sliding it in and out.  ” Harder”   I screamed as I sunk my nails into his shoulders.  He imbibed below as he whispered” it has a distinct taste”; it was like eating from a gourmet restaurant, he said. His wife then joined in as though she couldn’t resist getting a taste. I dripped all over him and then her. He grabbed my ass as I filled my mouth with something as firm as an icicle. A couple strokes later, he ejaculated all over my face, he couldn’t stop, he kept on going and so did I. I couldn’t help myself I was having the most intense orgasm any escort could ever dream of. His wife couldn’t get her hands off me and I really didn’t want her to stop. This was one of the most intriguing experiences I have ever had, perhaps next time we can have a few more escorts from the agency to join in.

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