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The Bath for Two

I met Simon last year, via a pre-arranged meeting. I’d been warned he had just separated from his wife and was not in a great place. He wanted intimacy with one of the best escorts at the agency, of course, but to be treated nicely, a scented bath run for him, and very importantly, champagne at the ready.

I had not realised who he was until he walked in. Of course, I recognised him from various TV programmes.

“I’ve heard you are nice, but naughty,” was his opening gambit. I replied with a grin. “I can be as naughty or as nice as you want me to be.”

I’d poured his bath and used expensive Lothantique bath foam. It contained French essential oils, with a fresh linen fragrance. I hoped it would refresh him and get him in a good place for seduction.

Simon was in the bath as I opened the champagne and draped myself so my breasts hung over the bath. Of course, they were encased in delicate lace, but he looked at them and I saw his bodily reaction through the bubbles. I asked if he wanted me to join him and he nodded.

I realised he could not take his eyes off me, so I went and grabbed the champagne cooler and brought a small table over to the bath. He could rest his glass there whilst we played in the water.

I took of my bra and knickers seductively. I let him look at me as I raised a leg over the side of the bath and he was so excited, his hand strayed to his nether regions, but I told him to stop.

Then I lay back in the water, so his legs were either side of me. I soaped his legs and feet gently, whilst he lay back and enjoyed my slow, thorough touch. Soon he opened his eyes as my hands reached his inner thighs and I soaped his genitals gently.

My touch was slow and soapy and he groaned as I worked him. He was enjoying this. “I love your touch, he whispered as his moans grew louder.

Soon Simon was sated and I picked up his champagne glass. To my surprise, he was asleep. Not wanting anything awful to happen, I let out the water and got out to grab the warm, fluffy robe I’d prepared. Then I started to touch him and he awoke. He looked at me and grinned. He was fully awake now, in all sorts of ways.

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