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13 December 2016

The Elevator Pitch

by Babes of London on 13 December 2016, under London Escorts

Grand parties never got old. Diamond Romel swept through the dimly lit ballroom, glancing around her now and then. It wasn’t her usual crowd, but she supposed it would do. The escorts London business had been slow for the Christmas season, which was unlikely, considering her profession more

09 December 2016

Unexpected Date

by Babes of London on 09 December 2016, under London Escorts

“Good evening, French Kiss Agency for escorts in London, Kate speaking.” “Evening Kate, it’s Madeleine. Look, Duncan was a no show.” said Madeleine tapping her fingers on the bar. “No message has been left with us and half an hour is more than reasonable for you to wait.” s more

08 December 2016

Beneath The Red Panties

by Babes of London on 08 December 2016, under London Escorts

It had been a long night. From the penthouse of the London hotel, Channel looked out over the city that she liked to think that she controlled now. It gave her no pleasure. All she wanted as to control the half-naked woman behind her in bed. Brushing her dark hair behind her shoulder, Ch more

07 December 2016

Surrogate Date

by Babes of London on 07 December 2016, under London Escorts

Helen stood in front of the flat, looking up at the storied floors. She sighed. “This building better have a lift”, she murmured to herself as she stepped in. She had been told that this client was spending a significant chunk of change to hire her as an escort because he was bitter more

29 November 2016

Escorts Make Good Prom Dates

by Babes of London on 29 November 2016, under London Escorts

“Have you ever been on a date with a much younger man?” Elizabeth asked her roommate as she got ready for her date. “You mean for escort work or for play?” Annette asked flopping down on Liz’s bed in nothing but her undies. “For work.” “Well…”Annette thought about it more

27 November 2016

Awkward Wedding Weekend

by Babes of London on 27 November 2016, under London Escorts

“Hey Sylvia, are you ready for the big weekend?” Alice asked. Sylvia sighed, “I loathe weddings, but Alex is really sweet he’s every escorts London dream guy, so hopefully it won’t be so bad.” “At least it’s an exotic location. You know I’ve never been to Barbados?� more

24 November 2016

Lunch And a Foursome

by Babes of London on 24 November 2016, under London Escorts

She was at a couples’ convention in London when she saw him. It was a miracle they hadn’t met sooner. They were in the same business after all; two London escorts and both doing well. They had several mutual contacts, attending the same social events on the arms of clients. She d more

20 November 2016

Getting His Monies Worth

by Babes of London on 20 November 2016, under London Escorts

It was always disarming when the mood was strong, and a client stopped Nico’s advances. “Just kiss me,” they would say, and she would stare at them for a moment before conceding with a nod. It had happened more than once, and each time, Nico could only wonder just how lonely someon more

13 November 2016

A Conversation about BDSM

by Babes of London on 13 November 2016, under London Escorts

Janet unintentionally slammed the door as she entered the apartment she shared with her roommate Crystal. After all this time, she still wasn’t entirely sure if Crystal was her real name or her special name after all how many escorts in London did not have an alias for work. She figure more

10 November 2016

Huge Hands Touching Me Everywhere

by Babes of London on 10 November 2016, under London Escorts

Reuben brushed his teeth and joined me, whipping the small towel off his hips. Reuben was taller than I by around five inches. He stood close behind me, but without pressing against me, took the soap out of my hand and started to play around with my soapy breasts, he was a man who enjoye more

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